Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Welcome to the Tomer Devorah Alumnae Blog!

This blog is a place where Alumnae news and updates will be posted. Engagements, weddings, alumnae events - all the news and pictures will be posted right here. So be sure to check in - instructions on how to send in posts will be posted here shortly.

Looking forward to seeing you here!


shavee1288 said...

Wow! What an honor to be the first to post!! Tomer Devorah is an amazing place, with such incredible Rabbis, teachers, staff and of course the awesome TD girls!! Looking forward to staying in the loop with all the latest news.

Can you believe Esther Shavrick is enrolled in college??!! G-d willing I will be attending Brookdale College in the fall for Interior Design and I am almost a Certified Interior Decorator!

Hope everyone is having a fun summer...
All my love,
Esther Shavrick..Shavy :)

YaliKayKay said...

Why doesn't anyone write on this wonderful website that TD has created for us??
We need updates!!!!