Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mazal Tov Tova!

Updated pictures from Tova's wedding:

 Mazal Tov to Tova Lavin on her wedding this past Monday to Yaakov Zev Hochman!

 Tova with Ruthie Heller 
Julia Seni and Julie Wasserman

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mazal Tov Lila!

 Mazal Tov Lila Simon (Grafstein 0607) on the birth of her son, Avraham Chaim!

Lila in the center with her new baby, Avraham Chaim and Aliza English (06-07) directly to the left of her.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Fifth Annual Alumnae Reunion!

 Rabbi Fix addressing the nation
Tanya Barak (Wainhaus), Sarah Leah Jaffee (Portnoy) and Zahava Markovic 06-08
 Nechama Silberstein, Kayla Hoffman, and Tamar Brilleman (10-11)
 Back Row:  Tova Lavin, Sabina Barbanel, Perel Kornecki, Ali Duskis, Tamar Brilleman, Nechama Silberstein, Pearly Guttman, Rachel Kemp, Tamar Grunhaus, Shira Litchman, Kayla Hoffman, Devorah Greenfield, Miriam Hershkop, Shimra Barnett and Ruthie Heler (10-11)

 Dancing for the Kallas (Gila Polatoff, Tova Lavin and Seffi Millstein)
 Alyssa Ebrani, Gila Radinksy, Atara Kaufman, Valerie Dahan, Esther Katz, Gila Polatoff, Kellie Kravitz (not Chipper, sorry for the confusion!), Bari Dolinger, Tova Lazarus and Carly Miller.

Credit for group shots go to Rabbi Fix

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mazal Tov Leah!

 Mazal Tov to Leah Rothman (07-08) on her marriage last week to Tzvi Cantor!  Thank you to Chevi Friedman (10-12) for sending in the pictures!

Mazal Tov Tova Lavin!

Mazal Tov to Tova Lavin on her engagement last month!  Here is a picture from her vort.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Alumnae Shiur with Miss Rudman

Last week there was a well attended alumnae shiur in NY given by Miss Chanie Rudman.  A big thank you to Miss Rudman for giving the shiur and to Carly Miller for sending in the pictures and to everyone else who had a helping hand.

 Top Row:  Demi Rosenwald (10-11), Esty Saklad (10-11), Julie Wasserman (09-11), Carly Miller (08-10), Jordana Mael (10-11), Miss Rudman, Tamar Grunhaus (10-11), Devorah Greenfield (10-11), Leora Lax (09-10), Rachel Minkin (09-11), Ahuva Blau (09-10), Carol Krtizman (09-10), Atara Kaufman (08-10).
Bottom Row:  Amy Feder (07-09), Someone not from Tomer Devorah, Ariana Goldwaser (09-11), Reena Fried (09-11), Adrienne Rosenthal (09-11), Pesha Rubin (07-09), Rebecca Gerewitz (10-11) and Shimra Barnett (10-11).

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Alumnae Turned Staff

Here is a picture that was taken yesterday with some of the alumnae who are currently working in Tomer Devorah.  Batya Menzelefsky (Vale 08-09) who is currently a tutor, Miss Kesler (not alumnae but very important nonetheless), Esther Wilansky (06-08) is a madricha, Tova Walder (Ehrlich 06-08) is a tutor and office staff and Channah Yudkowsky (07-09), Madricha. Missing from the picture are Sarie Avrahami (Levey 08-10) who is currently the Shaarei Chen Aim Habayit and Chava Schwartz because it was taken after they left work (eh hem!).

Monday, September 12, 2011

2 TD Reunions!

Here are some pictures just sent in from Esty Saklad (10-11).  She says....
"I have pictures for you of 2 TD Reunions so far. The first was from tonight at J2 in the city (this one was to say bye to Leah Rothman who's going back to Israel soon...)"

The 2nd one was in Lawrence at Jordana's house last Thursday night. It was supposed to be a pool party, but it was cold... we kind of just looked at the pool, but didn't go in it...
Thank you Esty!

Minna Gelberman, Shimra Barnett, Leah Rothman (0708), Esty Saklad, Tamar Brilleman, Rebecca Gerewitz, Tamar Grunhaus, and Devorah Greenfield (all 10-11, except Leah who was a madricha!)

Gabby Liviem (10-11), Esther Amster (09-11), Sabina Barbanel, Hadassah Kramer, Shimara Barnett, Esty Saklad, Chevi Friedman, Minna Gelberman (10-11), Leah Rothman (07-08), Julie Wasserman (09-11), Hadar Ben-Harari, Jordana Mael (10-11) and Pesha Rubin (07-09).

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Alumnae at the Airport

As the 2011-2012 students of Tomer Devorah arrived at JFK airport they were greeted warmly by a committee of alumnae.  Armed with treats and a giant sign (in green and yellow) Tamar Barak, Sima Polatoff and Pesha Rubin (07-09) were there to personally welcome the girls to TD.  Thank you for the pictures Tamar!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mazal Tov Chelsea!

Mazal Tov to Chelsea Berman (09-10) on her recent marriage to Nashi Rosenberg.  A whole bunch of alumnae travelled to Toronto to share in the simcha!

 At the Seni Home.

Ruthie Bloch (Levine), Rachel Minkin, Julia Seni, Chelsea Rosenberg (Berman), Pearly Guttman, Masha Kishkina, Aliza Abilevitz. 

Rachel Minkin, Aliza Abilevitz, Masha Kishkina, Leora Lax, Mera Moskowitz, Elisheva Cohen, Liza Souroujon, Pearly Guttman and Julia Seni

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What Are You Up To? Part 11

Here is Libi Frager (Efron 06-07) with her baby Esther at the pool one day (also before the nine days!)  Libi says: "Im still in Balti for now, but dreaming about aliya next summer!"

Sunday, July 31, 2011

What Are You Up To? Part 9

Chevi Friedman (10-11) was up really late Thursday night baking these beautiful challot for Shabbat.  Doesn't her four-braid look great !  Thanks for the picture Chevi, I'm hungry now.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

ooVoo Shiur!

Here's a picture of last night's ooVoo Shiur with Rabbi Rosenstein on the Parsha and the Halachos of the nine days.  There were more girls in attendance but we don't have a picture.  Thank you to Channah Yudkowsky for 1) Taking the picture and 2) helping to organzie the shiurim!

The view from Rabbi Rosenstein's desk
(There are so many alumnae that want to join the shiurim that Rabbi Rosenstein has to use two computers in order to broadcast the shiur from two ooVoo acounts!)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What Are You Up To? Part 8

Reena Fried (09-11) is hosting a bone marrow drive for Gift of Life this coming Sunday, July 31st.  It is a drive to become entered in their registry to help save a Jewish life.  You are making NO commitment by registering and it is a pain free process (it's just a swab in your mouth).  If you live in or near the Baltimore area please make an effort to join and SPREAD THE WORD!  You ladies are amazing and I know that there will be an amazing turnout because of you.  I'd also like to extend an enormous yasher koach to Reena for taking action where it is need and making a difference.  Please see the flyer below for more information, click on it to enlarge.

What Are You Up To? Part 7

Tova Lazarus (08-09) has been away at Camp Simcha for the past two weeks.  She says " It was an amazing, amazing 2 weeks and I think that everyone in TD should know that if they are thinking about going they should try very hard to go. It will change their lives no matter what job in camp they have."   In addition to her life changing experience at Camp Simcha, Tova's brother got married.  Attached are some pictures of the simcha and Tova's beautiful nephew, Chaim Noach.

Don't they look alike?!?!

Monday, July 25, 2011

What Are You Up To? Part 6

Alison Barnett (06-08) seems to be up to a lot this summer. She is in Culinary School and just started a blog about her culinary experiences, it is cute and whimsical and full of Alison's fun spirit, it also includes some recipes!  Check it out for yourselves HERE and thank you for sharing Alison!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What Are You Up To? Part 5

HASC visiting day usually becomes somewhat of a TD Reunion, this year was no exception. A bunch of girls went up to visit Atara English (10-11) and Minna Gelberman (10-11) and Miss Chanie Rudman.  Thank you to Chevi Friedman (10-11) for sending in the pictures, they're great! 

Atara English, Perel Kornecki, Shoshana Kaplan, Chevi Friedman and Miss Chanie Rudman (GO CR!)
Minna Gelberman, Perel Kornecki, Chevi Friedman, Shoshana Kaplan and Atara English (10-11)