Monday, March 22, 2010

A Benefit for Bentzi

Chanie Rudman recently organized and arranged a second benefit concert in New York (the first one was in Yerushalayim) to raise money for Bentzi Gottlieb's Medical needs. Tomer Devorah alumnae came out to show their support and have a good time. The concert was a huge success thanks to all those who helped out. To find out more about Bentzi and how you can help, click on the link below or contact Chanie!

Alyssa Ebrani (08-10), Chasida Shicker (08-10), Devorah Berkowitz (08-09), Karen Abramowitz (08-10), Esther Katz (08-09), Daniella Bajtner (08-09), Gila Polatoff (08-09), Kelly Kravitz (08-09), Shani Goldstein (08-09), Penina Ben-Yosef (09-10) and Atara Kaufman (08-10).

Thursday, March 18, 2010

CREWS Shower

This past Motzei Shabbos (okay, really it was the one before this past MS but I couldn't get the blog up before now :) Chaya Gitty Smith hosted a bridal shower for Chaya Rochel Weinstock in New York. The shower was attended by Tomer Devorah alumnae from the past three years! Enjoy the pictures. An overview of the wedding will be up as soon as pictures make their way over!
Meira Pearl (07-09), Chaya Rochel Weinstock and Kelly Kravitz (08-09)
Sarah Cohen (07-08), Chaya Gitty Smith (Stulberger), Atara Kaufman (08-10), Amy Feder (07-09), Meira Pearl (07-09), Chaya Rochel, Gila Polatoff (08-09), Kelly Kravitz (08-09), Shani Goldstein (08-09), Karen Abramowitz (08-09), Chasida Shicker (08-10), Penina Ben Yosef (09-10).