Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Alumnae 2010 Meet Up in Manhatan

This past week a handful of our most recent alumnae got together for an afternoon in New York City. The Tomer Devorah 2010 alumnae had a great time together reminiscing and catching up. Those in attendance were Pearly Gutman, Masha Kishkina, Aliza Abilevitz, Rachel Minkin, Rena Lunzer, Seffi Millstein, Reena Fried, Liza Souroujon, Leah Kasten, Neda Shayestehpour and Tamar Barak. Reena Michelle Fried passed on the photos for all of us to share. Thank you Reena.

Enjoy the pictures and your summer!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Shiur on the Halachos of Tisha B'Av

Here is another shiur from Rabbi Rosenstein - this time on the Halachos of Tisha B'Av. May will all celebrate a Yom Tov together this Sunday!

To listen to the shiur, please click HERE.

To download the shiur for your iPod, right click HERE. When the options come up, select "Save Target As..." That will allow you to give the file a new name if you want (make sure that the filename ends with .MP3) and save it to your computer.

The shiur is also available on the Tomer Devorah website on the Updates Page.

Shiur on the Nine Days by Rabbi Rosenstein

We have posted an audio shiur of Rabbi Rosenstein discussing the halachos of the Nine Days. The recording is from a shiur to women in Passaic, NJ around 10 years ago (you will be able to tell from the difference in Rabbi Rosenstein's voice!). The quality is not great (it was recorded on something called a "cassette tape" that you may have heard about from your grand parents), but it is audible.

May Klal Yisroel know no more tzaros and may we be zocheh together to see the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu bimheira biyameinu, amein.

To listen to the shiur, please click HERE.

To download the shiur for your iPod, right click HERE. When the options come up, select "Save Target As..." That will allow you to give the file a new name if you want (make sure that the filename ends with .MP3) and save it to your computer.

The shiur is also available on the Tomer Devorah website on the Updates Page.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Chicago Goes Skype

Here is a picture of the recent Chicago skype shiur with Rabbi Rosenstein. The shiur was hosted in the home of Channah Yudkowsky (07-09). Thank you Yael Cohen (Richtman 06-08) for the picture.Chasida Shicker, Carly Miller, Pesha Rubin, Yael Cohen (Richtman), Amy Feder, Channah Yudkowsky and Daniella Bajtner.