Saturday, August 24, 2013

Camp Simcha

Thank you Tova Lazarus (08-09) for sending in this picture with Shaindee Broyn (12-13) who she worked with in Camp Simcha this summer.
Shaindee and Tova

'12-'13 mini reunion

A group of girls from last year had a small get together in NYC!
Rachel Moskowitz, Aviva Chana Kaufman, Raqueli Flint, Devorah Kahan, Elisheva Schild, Michal Strum, Eve Toledano and Chani Unger

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mazel tov Atara

Mazel tov to Atara Kaufman (08-10) on her marriage to Sam Paris!

Atara with Carly Miller (08-10), Esther Katz (08-09) and Shani Goldstein (08-09)

Chasida Shicker (08-10), Penina Ben-Yosef (09-10) and Carly Miller (08-10)