Monday, September 13, 2010

Aseres Yemei Teshuva Online Shiur

On Monday night, Tomer Devorah alumnae "got together" for an Aseres Yemei Teshuva shiur with Rabbi Rosenstein. The 6-way video conversation on ooVoo worked out for everyone (or, almost everyone...).

The shiur was recorded and will hopefully be made avilable online.

Top row left to right: Daniella (Lee) Casper (07-08), Bari Dolinger (08-09), [at Stern College] Channah Yudkowsky (07-09), Lisa Hecker (07-08), Sarah Seigel (07-08) and Elyssa Ebrani (08-10).

Bottom row: [at one Touro location] Amy Feder (07-09), Carly Miller (08-10), Rachel Minkin (09-10), Carol Kritzman (09-10), Ahuva Blau (09-10) and Rena Lunzer (09-10). [At another Touro location] Atara Kaufman (08-10), Shani Goldstein (08-09), Margalit Schwartz (Madricha 09ish-10), Chelsea Berman (09-10). [In Yerushalayim] Rabbi Rosenstein.

As soon as the next shiur is scheduled, we will let you know. Rabbi Rosenstein's name on ooVoo is mosherosenstein.

Gmar chasima tovah!

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