Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rabbi Brown and The Feiners

We hope all of our alumnae had an uplifiting, meaningful and spiritually cleansing Yom Kippur. Here is a picture of Rabbi Brown with Rabbi Eytan Feiner and Shaya Feiner at a shiur at Rabbi Feiner's shul ["The White Shul"] in Far Rockaway. Rabbi Brown addressed the community with an inspiring Aseres Yemei Teshuva shiur.

Good Yom Tov to all!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Aseres Yemei Teshuva Online Shiur

On Monday night, Tomer Devorah alumnae "got together" for an Aseres Yemei Teshuva shiur with Rabbi Rosenstein. The 6-way video conversation on ooVoo worked out for everyone (or, almost everyone...).

The shiur was recorded and will hopefully be made avilable online.

Top row left to right: Daniella (Lee) Casper (07-08), Bari Dolinger (08-09), [at Stern College] Channah Yudkowsky (07-09), Lisa Hecker (07-08), Sarah Seigel (07-08) and Elyssa Ebrani (08-10).

Bottom row: [at one Touro location] Amy Feder (07-09), Carly Miller (08-10), Rachel Minkin (09-10), Carol Kritzman (09-10), Ahuva Blau (09-10) and Rena Lunzer (09-10). [At another Touro location] Atara Kaufman (08-10), Shani Goldstein (08-09), Margalit Schwartz (Madricha 09ish-10), Chelsea Berman (09-10). [In Yerushalayim] Rabbi Rosenstein.

As soon as the next shiur is scheduled, we will let you know. Rabbi Rosenstein's name on ooVoo is mosherosenstein.

Gmar chasima tovah!