Friday, August 10, 2012

ooVoo Shiur with Rabbi Fix

Here is a picture from the Tisha B'Av ooVoo shiur Rabbi Fix gave.  Half of the attendants are pictured here, the other half are still sending their picture in!  The shiur got rave reviews from the 10 attendees and Rabbi Fix really enjoyed giving it!
Pictured below are Esty Saklad, Sarah Rosenberg, Chevi Friedman, Hadar Ben-Harari, Atara Kaufman, Rena Devorah Kritzman and Rabbi Fix.

Mazal Tov Shira!

Mazal Tov to Shira Olgin (11-12) on her engagement to Shlomo Mordechai Mitzman!

Sarah Encaoua and Shira (11-12)

Mazal Tov Channah!

Mazal Tov to Channah Yudkowsky (07-09) on her wedding to Jeff Cohen!