Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mazal Tov Chanie Rudman!

Tomer Devorah extends a huge mazal tov to Chanie Rudman on her engagement to Yonatan Sklar.  Chanie and Yonatan came to Israel last week to share their simcha with their friends and family here.  The vort was beautiful and well attended by the TD family :)  Mazal Tov Chanie!
The wedding will be in NY on May 14th.

I'm not sure who the first person is but next to her is me, Chava Schwartz, Michla Gidon (Goldsmith 08-10), Sarie Avrahami (Levey 08-10), Naomi Pernicone (10-12), Shoshana Kaplan (10-12), Hadar Ben-Harari (10-12), Mrs. Werfel, Leah Cantor (Rothman 07-08), Minna Gelberman (10-12), Chaya Rochel Satt (Weinstock), Channah Yudkowsky (07-09) and Esther Wilanksy (06-08) and Bottom Row is Chanie Rudman!
 CR/CS!!! Chava Schwartz (Rosenberg), Chaya Rochel Satt (Weinstock) and Chanie
The Chosson and Kallah!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Shana Bet 09-10 Shabbaton

"I just wanted to send you a picture from this week's Shana Bet shabbaton in Baltimore. Reena Fried and her family graciously opened their house, and everyone from shana bet (except Lauren who unfortunately got sick) was able to come. We all had an amazing, uplifting shabbat, and wanted to share a picture with you!"- Rachel Minkin
Thank you Rachel (and Reena who also sent the picture in)!
Julie Wasserman, Rachel Minkin, Pearly Guttman, Dena Lichtman, Reena Fried, Dina Auerbach, Leah Kasten, Chipper Bazian, Ariana Goldwasser, Adrienne Rosenthal, Esther Amster and Lani Pearl

Monday, February 20, 2012

Baltimore Get-Together

This is from Leah Kasten: "Hi!! So this past shabbas Julia Seni came down from Toronto to Baltimore and Leora Lax as well and the four of us spent all shabbas and weekend together!
We wanted to take a picture to send in to the blog- so here you go :)"

Thank you Leah!

Leora Lax, Reena Fried, Leah Kasten and Julia Seni (09-10)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mazal Tov Racheli

Mazal Tov Racheli and her recent marriage!  Thank you to Rena Blechner for sending in the pictures.

Alumnae Israel Experience

The Annual Alumnae Israel Experience was a huge success this year.  Here is a picture of some of the alumnae who attended.  A big thank you to Miss Kesler, Rabbi Rosenstein and Rabbi Fix who taught classes and to Esther Wilanksy (06-08) and Channah Yudkowsky (07-09) (both madrichot this year) for setting up!

Miss Kesler, Channah Yudkowsky, Batya Menzelefsky (Bale 08-09), Jordana Mael (10-11), Esther Wilanksy,  Rabbi Rosenstein, Rabbi Fix, Sarie Avrahami (Levey 08-09), Esty Saklad (09-10), Dodi Smason (09-10), Rena Blechner (09-10), Tova Lazarus (08-09) and Rena Tuchinsky (Glanz 06-08).

Mazal Tov Sam!

Mazal Tov to Sam Naymark (Coffino 08-09) on the birth of her daughter Ruchama Zissel in November, here are some pictures, enjoy!