Thursday, March 31, 2011

Daniella Lee's Wedding

Daniella just sent in this BEAUTIFUL picture from her wedding. Enjoy!

Lisa Hecker, Malka Hizkiya, Sarah Siegel and Daniella (07-08).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chelsea's LA Vort

Mazal Tov Chelsea! I know we already posted this but just to recap, Chelsea Berman (09-10) is engaged to Nashi Rosenberg and was set up by fellow alumnae Rinat Liberman and Ruthie Bloch (Levine). Chelsea just sent in this beautiful picture from her LA vort with the shadchanim. Enjoy and mazal tov!

Rinat Liberman, Chelsea Berman and Ruthie Bloch (Levine) 09-10.

Hilchos Purim ooVoo Shiur

I'm so sorry for the delay in posting this, I got hit by a nasty cold (I'm all better :) I hope you enjoy, it makes me really happy to see these pictures, our Alumnae learning and spending time together.

Top Left: Atara Kaufman (08-10), Shani Goldstein (08-09), Carly Miller (08-10), Carol Kritzman (08-09). Top Middle: Julia Seni (09-10). Top Right: Orah Jooyandeh, Leora Lax and Sarah Rivkah Heller (09-10) and Channah Yudkowski (07-09). Bottom Right: Tamar Weisbrod (Becker 06-07), Rachel Riaboy (Bekritsky 07-08) and Leah Simon (Grafstein 06-07). Bottom Middle: Reena Fried (09-11) and Bottom Right: Rabbi Rosenstein!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Here's a Picture from Simcha Cohen's (Amster 07-09) wedding a while back. She just sent it in, and I think it's a GREAT picture. Thank you Simcha and enjoy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mazal Tov Kelly Kandel!

A big mazal tov to Kelly Kandel, former TD Madricha (08-09) on her marriage to Chanan Brin last week! Of course, a Tomer Devorah girl never passes up a chance to be Sameach a Chosson and Kallah so they brought their spirit and dance moves! Thank you Kellie AND Bari for sending me in the pictures.

Karen Abramowitz, Kellie Kravitz, Kim Hazan, Molly Frank and Bari Dolinger