Daniella just sent in this BEAUTIFUL picture from her wedding. Enjoy!
Lisa Hecker, Malka Hizkiya, Sarah Siegel and Daniella (07-08).
Lisa Hecker, Malka Hizkiya, Sarah Siegel and Daniella (07-08).
Rinat Liberman, Chelsea Berman and Ruthie Bloch (Levine) 09-10.
Top Left: Atara Kaufman (08-10), Shani Goldstein (08-09), Carly Miller (08-10), Carol Kritzman (08-09). Top Middle: Julia Seni (09-10). Top Right: Orah Jooyandeh, Leora Lax and Sarah Rivkah Heller (09-10) and Channah Yudkowski (07-09). Bottom Right: Tamar Weisbrod (Becker 06-07), Rachel Riaboy (Bekritsky 07-08) and Leah Simon (Grafstein 06-07). Bottom Middle: Reena Fried (09-11) and Bottom Right: Rabbi Rosenstein!