Last night there was a well attended ooVoo shiur in... all over the place! Reports are coming in that the shiur was incredible and alumnae can't wait for the next one. Thank you to all of the hosts and of course to Rabbi Rosenstein for his time (especially at 5:00 AM!).
Top Left: Channah Yudkowsky (07-09), Sarah Rivkah Heller (09-10), Leora Lax (09-10) and Alyssa Ebrani (08-10). Top Middle, Sima Polatoff (07-09) and Gila Polatoff (08-09). Top Right, Daniella Casper (Lee 07-08). Bottom Left: Rachel Minkin, Pearly Guttman and Ahuva Blau (09-10). Bottom Middle: Carol Krtizman (09-10), Atara Kaufman and Carly Miller (08-10) Bottom Right, Rabbi Rosenstein in Ramot, Israel.