Since I value hard work and determination I have decided that it is only fair that I post Rena Lunzer a birthday sign. You see, for the past year Rena has been begging (and I mean BEGGING) me for a birthday sign. Her birthday is in the summer and since I don't make birthday signs for summer birthdays Rena was very disturbed that she wouldn't be getting one. As a result she launched an attack at the office window nearly every day for nine months. Rena even went as far as emailing me backgrounds that she liked so I wouldn't have to do so much work. Each time though I politely refused saying that I would have to make everyone a sign if I made one for her. But I changed my mind thinking that all of our alumnae would agree that if it meant so much to Rena to put in so much effort that she deserves it...right? So here it is, a birthday sign for Rena Lunzer. Happy Birthday Rena! Sincerely, Chava
Tomer Devorah wishes a big mazal tov to Chana Sharaby (08-09) on her marriage this past Thursday to Moshe Dovid Artman! Thank you Tova Lazarus (08-09) for sending in the beautiful pictures.
Mazal Tov Aliza Fried (06-08) on her marriage to Moshe Zirkind this past Sunday, June 13th! A big thank you, and a mazal tov, to her sister Reena for being the first 2009-2010 alumnae contributor to the Beyond Your Year Blog.
Shana Bet 2009/2010 had their farewell banquet on May 31st. As it turns out, they were so busy making it such a special event that they forgot to take pictures. Catered by Miss Sarah Kesler and attended by Rabbi Fix, Rabbi Rosenstein, Mrs. Peled and Chaya Rochel the banquet was a beautiful affair. Carly Miller made each staff member a gift on behalf of shana bet, check them out below. Each one was lamenated and made into an attendance folder cover. The staff loved them and will miss shana bet dearly. A special congratulations to Michla Goldsmith, Sarie Levey and Carly Miller for completing the full year shana bet program, we wish them much hatzlacha and simcha on their journey beyond TD!
This past Wednesday (June 2) the Petrushka family hosted a brunch for the alumnae with Rabbi Brown. The brunch was well attended and enjoyed! Those who were there had a great time catching up with each other and Rabbi Brown, eating some wonderful food and hearing a shiur by the Menahel Ruchani. Thank you to Atara Kaufman for providing the picture (once again), to the Petrushka family for hosting, to Kellie Kravitz for the feedback and of course Rabbi Brown for being Rabbi Brown!