Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mazal Tov Simcha

Mazal Tov Simcha Amster (07-09) on her marriage to Yossi Cohen. Thank you to Channah Yudkowsky for sending in pictures so promptly!
Yael Cohen (Richtman 06-08) with Simcha

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mazal Tov Libi Efron

Mazal Tov to Libi Efron (06-07) on her engagement to Yanki Frager!

2008-2009 Chanukah Party

Thank you Gila Radinsky for hosting the party!

Molly Frank, Gila Radinsky, Kellie Kravitz, Valerie Dahan and Gila Polatoff

Chaya Rochel's Vort

Mazal Tov Chaya Rochel Weinstock on her engagement to Tzvi Satt. The vort was this past Monday in New York. Enjoy the pics! Thank you Kellie Kravitz, Channah Yudkowsky and Amy Feder for sending in picutres.

Meira Pearl (07-09) and Chaya Rochel

Devorah Berkowitz (08-09), Chaya Rochel and Kellie Kravitz (08-09)

Amy Feder (07-09), Shiffy Andelman (08-09), Ronit Kohanchi (08-09), Meira Pearl (07-09) and Esther Wilansky (06-08).

Sunday, December 13, 2009

2007-2008 Alumnae Chanukah Party

Thank you Esti Petrushka for hosting!

Lisa Hecker, Tamar Barak, Esti Petrushka, Rachel Bekritsky, Meira Pearl, Esther Snyder, Sammy Greenstein (Cudeck) and Amy Feder

Monday, November 30, 2009

Alumnae Reunion 2009

Here it is, the long awaited picture from the Annual Tomer Devorah Alumnae Reunion in New York. There was a great turnout and everyone had a great time. This year we were lucky enough to have both Rabbi Rosenstein and Rabbi Fix there! We'll post more pictures as you send them in (hint, hint...)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ilana Taubenfeld's Vort

Mazal Tov Ilana! And thank you Esther Snyder for sending in the pictures.

Esti Petrushka, Ilana Taubenfeld, Esther Snyder and Devori Tyrnauer (Ulman) 07-08.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mazal Tov Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenstein

A huge Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenstein on the birth of their daughter Esther!

Mazal Tov Yael Richtman

Mazal Tov to Yael (06-08) on her recent marriage to Srully Cohen!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mazal Tov Tanya Wainhaus

Mazal Tov to Tanya Wainhaus (06-08) on her recent marriage to Chagi Barak (brother of Tamar Barak (07-09))

Tamar Barak (07-09), Tanya Wainhaus (06-08), Tali Brody (07-09) and Yali Kay (07-08)

Chicago Alumnae Shiur

Amy Feder (07-09) recently began organizing a summer shiur series for the Tomer Devorah Chicago Alumnae, now approaching its third week the shiur is off to a great start. Thank you Amy for all of your hard work and devotion!

Top Row: Pesha Rubin (07-09), Tova Ehrlich (06-08), Tamar Becker (06-07), Daniella Bajtner (08-09), Carly Miller (08-09), Chasida Shicker (08-09), Zahava Solomon (08-09), Milly Frank (08-09).
Bottom Row: Channah Yudkowsky (07-09), Amy Feder (07-09), Simcha Amster (07-09) and Rachel Bekritsky (07-08)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Shiur on the Halachos of Tisha B'Av

Here is another shiur from Rabbi Rosenstein - this time on the Halachos of Tisha B'Av. May will all celebrate a Yom Tov together this Sunday!

To listen to the shiur, please click HERE.

To download the shiur for your iPod, right click HERE. When the options come up, select "Save Target As..." That will allow you to give the file a new name if you want (make sure that the filename ends with .MP3) and save it to your computer.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shiur for the Nine Days

We have posted an audio shiur of Rabbi Rosenstein discussing the halachos of the Nine Days. The recording is from a shiur to women in Passaic, NJ around 10 years ago (you will be able to tell from the difference in Rabbi Rosenstein's voice!). The quality is not great (it was recorded on something called a "cassette tape" that you may have heard about from your grand parents), but it is audible.

May Klal Yisroel know no more tzaros and may we be zocheh together to see the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu bimheira biyameinu, amein.

To listen to the shiur, please click HERE.

To download the shiur for your iPod, right click HERE. When the options come up, select "Save Target As..." That will allow you to give the file a new name if you want (make sure that the filename ends with .MP3) and save it to your computer.